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"Bringing, Growing, and Being One in Christ"


At Baptist Grove Church it is our ambition to be pleasing to God. God has given the church a mission. As a church carries out that mission; we believe God will bless that church. In order to fulfill any mission a plan is needed. One day while praying for Baptist Grove, the Lord revealed how we as a church should fulfill this mission. The action points for carrying out this mission can be listed as the initials of the church: BGBC.


Bringing people to Christ.


A wise man once said, “always listen to the last words anyone has to say, they are usually the most important.” This was true of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” It is our goal to introduce as many people to Jesus as we possibly can. This is done through various outreaches, ministries, missions, and the teaching of God’s Word. We know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and that He died for sinners is one of the greatest honors we have as a Christian.


Growing people in Christ.


Once a person accepts the free gift of salvation offered through Jesus Christ, God desires for that new Christian to grow in their faith. Growth in the Christian faith is what is known as “sanctification.” Sanctification is a word that describes the process whereby we as children of God become more like Christ in our actions, thoughts, and words. It is the process where we become in practice what God says we are in position. The Bible calls Christians “saints.” Sanctification and growth are the processes whereby we live changed lives for the glory of God. At BGBC we offer small group Bible studies, discipleship training, Bible based teaching, places of service, and various other ways for a believer to grow in their faith on a daily basis!


Being one in Christ.


It is our prayer that Baptist Grove Church would always be a warm and inviting place. This will take place as we experience what the Bible calls “fellowship.” It is important to understand that fellowship is so much more than a pot-luck dinner. Biblical Fellowship is where a church is a big loving, growing family. As a family we practice the “one-anothers” of the Bible. We honor one another, we love one another, we are devoted to one another, we bear one another’s burdens, and we are kind to one another. Basically, as we carry out the “G” of the mission statement, growing in Christ, then we will also carry out the second “B” of the mission statement. It is as we grow and become more like Christ that we can carry out all the “one-anothers” of the Scriptures. What is really exciting about being one in Christ is knowing what it is that binds us together! It is not the fact that we attend the same church, or that we are from the same country. No, similarities do not bind us together. Rather, it is the cross of Christ that binds us with the bonds of love that the world desperately needs.


Constantly on mission.


Growing up we used to play a game called the “punch buggy game.” The game was simple. My brother and I would be in the back seat. This was before the day of tablets and cell phones so we had to entertain ourselves as best we could. To pass the time, we would look for Volkswagen Beetle cars. The first person to spot a “VW BUG” got to hit the other one in the arm. Understand, this was a free shot with no repercussions! So we always had our eyes focused looking for those funny looking cars! As a church we also want to be focused as we look for where God is working and then join Him. Often this may be a mission trip to a foreign land, building a wheel chair ramp locally, meeting simple needs of a neighbor, or feeding a local sports team a pre-game meal; but really it is anywhere we can serve and share Christ. Being constantly on mission involves looking for where God is working and then joining him. We not only want to do this as a church, but this carries over to each and every member/minister at Baptist Grove. It is our desire that everyone would live their life as a living worship service to a great Savior, that whatever and wherever God calls us we desire to obey for the glory of God.


Our prayer is that you will help us at BGBC to carry out our mission by participating in daily Bringing, Growing, Being, and Constantly on mission for God.

© 2022 by Baptist Grove Baptist Church

Bringing, Growing, and Being One in Christ

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6140 Christian Light Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526

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